Monday, December 12, 2011


COOKIE DOUGH IS IN!!  Please pick yours up today.

If you would like to contribute to the holiday gifts for all of the teachers, please leave $ in the PTO box by tomorrow, 12/13.

Thanks to all the volunteers who have signed up for the teacher appreciation lunch on Thursday. I think it will be a great lunch. If you didn't get a chance to sign up it's not too late!

The Winter concert is Wednesday night at 6:30.  What better way to use up some of the cookie dough that you just picked up!  Please sign up to bring a dessert: cookies, breads, cupcakes....whatever is your specialty. Sign up in the comments section.  Thanks! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Notes from last week's meeting

Notes from PTO meeting on November 30, 2011

TEACHER LUNCHEON: We are putting on a teacher luncheon on Thursday, December 15th. We are putting on a teacher appreciation potluck for the teachers at Portside.  Please sign up for what dish you would like to contribute to say thanks for all that our teachers do! I was going to put a link to an evite so people could write what they were going to bring, but I am just going to let people put what they are going to bring in the comment section of the blog.

TEACHER HOLIDAY GIFTS: We are going to put notes in boxes at school giving the option to contribute to a holiday gift for the teachers.

FUNDRAISING: Way to go on the fundraising. We sold over $4,000 worth of cookie dough. The money raised is going to go towards replacing the play structure in the toddler room that was recently destroyed by vandalism.

EVENING PERFORMANCE: There is going to be an evening performance by the students coming up soon. Keep an eye on your boxes for the date!

SONG LISTS: Some parents have requested a list of song lyrics of the songs their kids sing (so that they can sing them at home). Portside is working on this and hopefully will get it to us so we can post it on the blog.

SUPPLIES: Many people have asked whether Portside takes donations of supplies. Their ongoing needs list includes: envelopes, magazines, paper and books.

TEXTING: Some people have said that the texting service is not working – Melinda and Maureen are looking into this.

CLEAN UP DAY: Tentative outside cleanup-day set for Saturday, January 21st. More details to follow.

NEXT MEETING is tentatively set for Wednesday, February 1st.

Holiday Gift for Teachers

Portside Parents,

Here is a copy of what you are getting in your boxes this week. 

It is that time of year when we all wonder as parents what are we going to get our child’s teacher for Christmas! I know we all want to make sure that the people who love and care for our children everyday are made to feel special around the holidays.  For the last two years a large group of parents contributed very generously to a group gift. Last year we did gift cards. We discussed the idea at the PTO meeting on November 30th and decided to do it again!!!

How: We (PTO) will take donations for the gifts from now until 6pm on Tuesday December 13th. If you want to contribute please leave your donation in the PTO suggestion box located by the sign in sheets with your name and email and your child’s name and room attached. There is no required donation amount, but as a reference, most families contributed b/w $10-30 per child last year. Although you can donate less or more as your budget allows. Again this year the money will go to gift cards and if we get extra we can add something additional (i.e. ornaments or stockings). There is no obligation so if you don’t want to participate that is okay too.  The PTO has offered to help count the money and wrap the gifts. We will sign all of the cards with the names of those who contributed. If you have a great idea or also want to help put the gifts together please email me. 

When: We will give the gifts during the Holiday party on December 16th so if you want to join in or help let me know. I will also email everyone after we have compiled everything so you know what we got. The PTO is also hosting a teacher’s appreciation pot luck on Thursday December 15th if you would like to participate and bring a dish.

Call or email you have questions please feel free to call me at 916-947-9041 or email me at leschwartz44@hotmail.comLaura Federico

SHHHH SHHHHH Keep it a secret!!!