Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holiday Events- We need your help

Portside PTO Families- Holiday Events
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Teacher Appreciation Lunch! The teachers were so grateful for the yummy goodies.

Christmas Concert Friday December 13, 2013
For the last several years the Portside PTO families have volunteered to bring desserts to share after the children sing. It is a great way to celebrate the concert and enjoy the holiday! If you can bring a dessert please email Laura Federico, comment on this blog or sign up at school by the sign up sheet.

Teacher Christmas Gifts
For the past 4 years Southport Families have come together to organize a group gift for the teachers. This time of year is so hectic and we felt that if we all pitched in we could get the teachers a really good gift and show them how much we appreciated what they do all year for our kids. Last year we were able to give every teacher gift cards for $50.00 each and a Christmas ornament. If you would like to donate for the group gift you may leave cash or check in the tuition box made out to Laura Federico (please put your child's name and classroom on the envelope). Please leave it before 6pm on Tuesday Dec 17th. I will work with a group of parents to put the gifts together and put all the kids names on the card and delivery on Dec 20th.. Any donation is accepted most families gave between $10.00-30.00 per child. If you are interested in helping out please contact Laura at

Kindergarten Teacher Presentation
At our last PTO meeting we discussed having a meeting once per quarter. This quarter with the holidays I was unable to get the Kindergarten teacher to do the presentation so we will have it in January. Stay tuned for the date.

We will also plan to do a Papa Murphy's fundraiser for outdoor playground equipment so stay tuned for a flyer with the information.

Portside PTO

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Next PTO meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 6th @ 6pm

Portside PTO Meeting

Come and learn more about Portside and the Montessori Program as well as the curriculum, special events and plans for the rest of the school year. Your input and feedback is always welcome!

Let us know if you are coming and if you need childcare.
6:00 pm in the preschool classroom. 

For More info: see our blog at http:// or email or facebook at Portside Parents

Monday, December 3, 2012

Teacher Holiday Gifts & Potluck

Portside Parents,

December is a busy time for all of us. The PTO would like your help support making this a holiday season a great one for the teachers at Portside. After all they care for our children every day! For the past 3 years we have coordinated a group gift from families and organized a potluck lunch to show our appreciation for all that they do for our kids. Last year we did gift cards to Target and Christmas ornaments. We discussed the idea at our last PTO meeting and decided to do it again!!!

How: We (PTO) will take donations for the gifts from now until 6pm on Friday December 14th. If you want to contribute please leave your donation in the locked tuition box next to the office with your name and email and your child’s name and room attached. There is no required donation amount, but as a reference, most families contributed b/w $10-30 per child last year. You can donate less or more as your budget allows. Again this year the money will go to gift cards and if we get extra we can add something additional (i.e. ornaments or stockings). There is no obligation so if you don’t want to participate that is okay too.

The PTO will coordinate the funds, purchase and wrap the gifts. We will sign all of the cards with the names of those who contributed. If you have a great idea or also want to help put the gifts together please email me. We will have a sign up sheet for the Potluck luncheon. Stay tuned.

When: We will give the gifts on December 20th. If you would like to help out giving out the gifts you can email us. I will also email everyone after we have compiled everything so you know what we got.
Last year the PTO and families also contributed baked goods on the night of the children’s holiday party so that everyone could enjoy a treat after the performance which is also December 14th. We will have a sign up out for that as well.

If you have questions please feel free post on the blog post on our facebook page Portside Parents group or email the PTO at or

Thank you, Laura Federico, Julie Goldman and Jasmine Nguyen

SHHHH SHHHHH Keep it a secret!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Lunch: 10/26/12

We are planning our first teacher appreciation lunch of the new school year on Friday, October 26th.  Please sign up to bring something by posting in the comment section of the blog or just send an email to letting us know what you plan to bring (so we don't end up with too many of one type of dish.)

Let's show our teachers how much we appreciate all of their hard work!
Thanks for your support. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fall PTO Meeting

Save the date for our first fall PTO meeting

Tuesday, Sept 25th @ 6:00pm

Come meet other parents and find out more about the PTO. 

If you need childcare for the evening, please post here, email Laura at:, or let Maureen or Melinda know by Friday, Sept 21st. 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Upcoming Carnival!

Portside is having a school Carnival & Open house July 28, 2012 from 11:00-3:00.

They are looking for anyone that  might want to help.
They are also looking for ideas and/or resources.
They already have Lizzy's fancy feet sending out a princess and facing painting. They also have Jumba Juice coming out. They are thinking of pony rides and a petting zoo. Maybe a bounce house.

Please let us/them know if you have any ideas.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Lunch

Teacher appreciation lunch is this Thursday
(It is also teacher appreciation week)
So tell your teacher how much you appreciate them!!

This is what we have after we posted on facebook:
If you are interested in helping out please sign up by emailing back or posting on the blog:

(There are 17 teachers so 1 or 2 for each item would be ok)

Please leave items in the break room to the right of the office in the morning (put in fridge labeled if needed)

Italian theme:
Baked Pasta (red sauce-no meat): Natalie
Additional Pasta Dish:
Meatballs: Laura
Another main dish (Ie: ravioli, tortalini, etc...)
Garlic Bread: Charmaine Yueng
Italian Soda:
Other beverages:
Dessert: Jasmine and Karin Sturgis
Fruit: Karen Zanotto
Paper plates, napkins and silverwear?
