Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon - volunteers needed

At our first PTO meeting, someone suggested that we have teacher appreciation lunches, either monthly or bi-monthly.  We are having our first teacher appreciation lunch on Wednesday, September 28th.  We are asking parents to volunteer to bring a dish for the teachers for lunch.   Special thanks to those who have already volunteered - Robert & Kathie-Le Barrett have volunteered to have Boston Market cater the main dishes, so we just need a few parents to volunteer to bring in some side dishes and/or dessert.  Karen Zanotto has already volunteered to bring cups and drinks and I will bring some sort of side dish.   If you would like to contribute to the meail, please  leave a comment in the comment section along with what you would like to bring!  Thanks.  I know that the teachers will appreciate this.


  1. Karin Sturgis is bringing a side dish.

  2. Can we find out what type of side dish everyone will be bringing? I'd like to plan on bringing a potato side dish. If someone is already planning to bring something like that, I'll bring an apple pie.

  3. I can bring a dessert if someone hasn't offered yet?

  4. The "unknown" was me....ugh; new at this; anyways include me for dessert

  5. I can bring homemade bananna nut bread
